National News Network – Day 5
Good morning citizens,
This is Chase Bentley with a Special report:
– Through fighting in the previous day the Empire has gained new recruitment. Statistics show rebels numbers are also on a slight rise.
– The death toll up until recently had been seven(7) ISA dead and ten(10) rebels dead, but after yesterdays fighting, those numbers have jumped to eleven(11) Rebels dead and fifteen(15) ISA dead. This reporter comments, what a bloody war this has become.
Now for the morning report:
– All Lives have been reinstated with new ID numbers.
– Mission being sent shortly.
A Comment from the Game Master: I know we had some heated arguments yesterday. It’s finals. I know, I’m with ya, but this game is about having fun. We’re in college and playing with Toy’s that read on the box “6+” for crying out-loud! :-D If a dispute occurs you will Rock/Paper/Scissors it out (like in 3rd grade), no if’s, and’s, or but’s. Please read the safe zone and rules, if you feel something is not clear now tell me NOW. I will make the necessary updates (highlighted in red) and notify everyone of the changes. Once again, Lets have some fun.